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Sono cresciuta leggendo i miti greci, traducendo le cronache di Tucidide e sognando di diventare un’egittologa. Col tempo ho scoperto poi che la mia terra racchiude tesori meravigliosi dalle molteplici forme e di rara bellezza.

Vi racconterò i luoghi, la storia, le leggende della mia isola con le parole degli scrittori, i proverbi e le poesie, in modo che possiate vivere la vostra avventura e portare con voi qualcosa della nostra cultura centenaria. Venite con me ad innamorarvi della Sicilia...

Titoli di studio e qualifiche

Informazioni aggiuntive

  • Archeologo
  • Guida Turistica Ufficiale
  • Italiano, Inglese
    • Laurea in Archeologia Orientale

    • Master in Management degli Eventi Artistici e Culturali

Reviews for Milena

Uncovered Sicily tour of Ortigia
We had a lovely tour in Ortigia with our guide Milena. She was very knowledgeable about all of the periods of time that one can experience in Ortigia ranging from the Greeks up through what’s going on in Ortigia today. The tour ended in the market which gave us the opportunity to hear about local foods and exchange recipes. We really enjoyed getting to meet Milena and would have been delighted to spend more time with her!
GrandTour08351278942- 07/11/2018
Orientation to Siracusa/Ortygia
We had a wonderful tour with Milena yesterday. The Archaeological park was quite interesting, as was the walk through Ortygia. Milena was so knowledgeable and engaging, and the visit to the Mikveh provided a window into the historic Jewish community. The halfday tour was a perfect orientation to Siracusa/Ortygia.
Julia H.- 20/10/2018
Passeggiata a Siracusa
Appena completata l'entusiasmante passeggiata per le vie di Siracusa alla scoperta di miti e leggende in compagnia della sempre brava Milena: attendiamo il prossimo tour.
Simona C.- 30/09/2018
Thank you Uncovered Sicily!
We met uncovered Sicily’s guide Milena in Siracusa who gave us a spectacular tour of the ruins and Ortigia.
Egatino5- 14/01/2019
Don’t go without a guide!
Do this! Hire a guide from Uncovered Sicily! Our guide, Milena made the ruins at Siracusa come alive with her comprehensive knowledge and fabulous stories of the many peoples who have lived on this corner of this beautiful island. It would have all been a mystery without Milena. The tour concluded with an enlightening walk through Baroque Ortigia bringing her ancient history lesson right up through contemporary times. An excellent investment of both time and money.
Helene- 31/03/2023
Visit Syracuse with Milena
Fantastic Jewish oriented tour of Syracuse with Milena. She is knowledgeable , articulate, and a great guide and teacher. We had a marvelous learning experience and a most enjoyable tour.
stevenmR5906QY- 30/05/2024